"It's been five years now. "

"Five years since they finished building it."


"It was only a matter of time until our world got sick enough to wither away."

"And of course, all the rich people, the main cause of the problem, scurried away to their little private paradise they had us build."


"It consists of metal walls. Built to keep us out. Built to keep the filth out."


"I wonder if I'll ever see her again."


"I hope she's well."

"The old man Ayad left me... A letter? On my bed? Why would anyone from beyond the wall want anything from me... unless!?"

"Could it be!? He said he saw this letter fall from the wall and when he saw my name at the top he hurried over to the camp within seven days. [Click on the letter to read.]"

Dearest Waffa,

they've put me under surveillance now. If things continue this way, I'm afraid I will suffer the same fate as Linda. This is the last letter I will be able to send. Tomorrow I'll be watched too closely. I won't risk them seeing one of their own helping me. I can't put him into more danger than I already have. The illusion of friendliness and peace this place supposedly upholds crumbles more and more with every second that passes.
As soon as you get here, please get me out of this place! I want to run away with you. I want you to tell me about your travels! I want to finally see your face again! They announced the opening of the wall. It is taking place exactly two weeks from now. This will probably be your only chance for the next years. And my only chance at escape before they take me away. They did wait two weeks before they took Linda away as well. I hope this letter will reach you. I won’t write to you anymore, but I'll still think of you every day. I'll see you in two weeks.

With Love,


Stop reading.
"Oh my sweet sister... Shit! I need to hurry! If and Nidal said the wall opens in 14 days... and Ayad needed 7 whole days to get here... I NEED TO DEPART NOW!"

"Wait... should I tell anyone about this? What if I'll need help along the way..."

"No. If this fails I should be the only one to go down, these people have families here still. Besides, they would only slow me down."

"Alright then, first things first: I'll need some food, water and some first aid for whatever is waiting for me out there."

"Now what shall I get first..."

"Who said that?!"

grumbling "Nevermind. I should go look if some poor soul left some stuff for me to take behind."

"Looks like no one is around..." [Click on the meat on the table in order to take it with you.]

"I really don't know for how much longer I can keep eating this stuff. At least it has the decency not to rot.
[You stuff it into your pockets, it didn't belong to a family] ..Should last me a couple of days if I'm smart about it."

"Alright, water next. But where do I find a bottle fit for 7 days of travel?!"

"Ah... The gates to the outside world. They seem so foreboding when you dread what's out there."

"Hm? A water bottle! Well that was surprisingly easy. Did some idiot really forget it at the damn gates?"

[You take it with you, might as well.]

"Now to fill the bottle."

Get closer
[gluck gluck gluck]

"Urgh... That'll never last me 7 days, I'll just have to keep an eye open for other water holes."

"To anyone up there listening in..if I find some more water on the way and make it through this hell, I'll build you a shrine and preach your name inside the walls from one end to the other, if you care for that sort of thing. No judgement."

"Okay, last stop, medic tent."

"What do we have here..."

"Um. Now that whoever is up there is listening in; I feel a bit bad about taking this stuff, but really, do you want me to go out there and bite the dust as soon as the moon peeks out?"

[You take what you deem necessary.] "Good, that should be all."

"The day is still young and I'll have plenty of time to find shelter."
