papierschnipsel der aus dem sand ragtezrghfhnfddfbuifgliyuhrhaufen skelette

"A little piece of paper! Could it be another letter of Nidal? And is this.. a big pile of skeletons?! But maybe I can find something useful near them?"
skeleton pile
(Beugt sich runter) "I was right! This is another letter from Nidal!" (Brief Nummer (?) kann durch draufklicken geoeffnet werden)
"I don't have much time left... She won't be able to write to me for much longer... Let's hurry and continue walking towards the wall before it's to late! But I think, I will need some water soon.... Should I take a little break near the oasis? "
keep walking
"I feel dizzy... I can't... seem to... concentrate...." (Wafaa bricht zusammen und stirbt an Wassermangel)

"Finally some water... I thought I was dying..." (fuellt Wasserflasche auf)
"Is that a group of people on the other side? Some groups are pretty hostile towards strangers"
go anyways
(sieht eine misstrauisch aussehende Gruppe an Menschen, die alle Waffen in der Hand halten, kinder und aeltere schauen besorgt aus ihren Zelten raus)
"They look at me with contempt... What should I do? One wrong step and they will probably kill me right now... I should offer something in return for their help. Hostile groups don't like it, if you ask them for something..."
(Wafaa holt etwas von ihrem Trockenfleisch raus) (schauen misstrauisch fleisch an, nehmen es dann aber an)
"Do you want some?"
(senken langsam die Waffen)
"Thank you for sharing your meat with us stranger"
die gruppe von leuten spricht
"We've made a lot of bottles from the monsters leather. Do you need another one on your way?"
wafaa spricht
"Yes that would help me a lot. Thanks." (nimmt die Flasche, fuellt sie auf und geht weiter)
"Is that a ruin in the distance? Is it to risky, to stay there, when there is a monster close by? But it's starting to get dark outside..."
keep going