"Alright. So if the information I've been given is correct, in the west would be the most direct way to the wall. However, in the north I'm guaranteed to find a hideout for the night."

"Question is: Should I be fast rather than safe? I'll have to decide quickly. Compasses tend to completely freak out and malfunction once it gets dark."

Head North
Head West
"I probably shouldn't cut my journey unnecessarily short by getting myself eaten. I'll head for the northern hideout first, since it's already midday."

"The faster I move the better. My sister needs me. I'm sure I'll find some place to stay at on my way west."

[You see a ruin in the distance] "That should be it. Hmm. Could be better, could be worse. It'll certainly suffice for the night. The sun still seems to be up though. Maybe I could go for a quick stroll near this area to pass the time."

Head for the Hideout
Go exploring for a bit
[Time has passed] "Hmm. Well, that wasn't very spectacular. I at least expected to find something worth looking at. Seems like I was just wasting my time. Better start heading back."

"Better not do anything too risky. I'll go check out the hideout first."

"Oookay, this doesn't look too ba-"

[You hear a gutteral, deep growling Noise]

"What?? But it's still bright outside. Why is one of them-"

[You hear a heavy step being taken right into your direction]

"Damnit! I don't have the time to barricade the entrance! I have to hide, quick!"
